The DAPP token leasing market is live on the Kylin testnet. DAPP token leasing will enable dApps to seamlessly access a broad range of DSP packages without owning the DAPP token itself. By separating token ownership from token utility, businesses can eliminate exposure to price volatility and free-up precious capital that can be used for alternative purposes. We expect DAPP token leasing to be the most efficient way that dApps access the innovative tools that the DAPP network has to offer.
Help Us Test
We need your help testing the DAPP market. Please help us find bugs and UX issues. The more you test, the sooner we can go live on mainnet.
If you have a Kylin account you can start testing here. To get DAPP tokens on Kylin come to our testing group on telegram, and type “/dapp YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME”.
If you need a Kylin account, please join our testing group and ask our CTO to help you get set up. His telegram handle is @PhillipHamnett
Test DAPP Leasing Market: Testnet Exchange
Chintai CTO: @PhillipHamnett
Join Our Testing Group: Testing group
What is the DAPP Network?
The DAPP network is a suite of middleware services and developer tools that make building enterprise grade dApps easier. Blockchain technology notoriously forces developers to compromise between scalability, speed, and security. Oftentimes this leads to dApps that are unsuitable for adoption, or developers choosing to build traditional centralized applications. The DAPP network tools allow businesses to build on blockchains without any compromises. We see these tools as the soil by which the first large scale modern dApps can emerge.
Chintai — DeFi Multi Exchange
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DAPP 代币租赁市场 — 在测试网络上线
DAPP 代币测试网络在麒麟测试网络上线。 DAPP 代币租赁可以让 dApp 项目方无需拥有 DAPP 代币,即可使用 DAPP 网络所提供的大量 DSP 服务包。代币使用权与所有权的分离,有助于实现共赢:让项目方得以降低成本,释放大量的锁定资产;而代币所有者则可以通过出租获得收益。 我们期待,DAPP 代币租赁会成为最有效率的方式,让 dApp 能够使用 DAPP 网络所提供的大量创新产品和服务,帮助 dApp 项目方获得更好发展。
Chintai 测试,需要您的参与
我们期待,您能够参与测试 DAPP 代币租赁市场,帮助我们发现更多问题和 UX 的改进。有您的参与,我们能够更好的确保 DAPP 租赁市场的稳定性,也能够在 EOS 主网上更快上线。
如果你已经拥有了麒麟测试网络账号,你可以点击前往参与测试:DAPP 代币租赁市场(测试版)。请加入我们的测试电报群,输入 “/dapp 你的账号名” 即可获得 DAPP 测试代币。
如果你需要麒麟测试网络账号,请加入我们的测试群,我们的 CTO Phillip 会帮你设定。请在群内联系他告知你的需要:@PhillipHamnett
测试 DAPP 代币租赁市场: 测试网 DAPP 租赁市场
Chintai CTO: @PhillipHamnett
加入 Chintai 测试群: 点击链接,加入测试群
什么是 DAPP 网络?
DAPP 网络是一系列中间件服务和开发工具,让创建企业级的 dApp 更加容易。众所周知,区块链技术使得开发者不得不在可扩展性、速度和安全性三者之间进行妥协。很多时候,这会阻碍 dApp 的扩展,无法被更多人使用,很多开发者也转而使用传统的中心化方式创建应用程序。DAPP 网络所提供的工具让商业团队可以在区块链上创建产品,而无需被迫妥协。
在我们看来,DAPP 网络所提供的这些工具,为首个大规模现代化 dApp 的出现奠定了基础。
Chintai — DeFi Multi Exchange
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