Summary tl:dr
- Scheduled Launch: Mid June 2020
- “Pool market” — deposit DAPP tokens and receive CDAPP
- CDAPP can be redeemed at any time to receive original deposit, plus borrowing fees
- Price changes for borrowers based on bancor style curve
- Stake to Chintai DSP
and lend simultaneously to earn double rewards - Chintai DAPP leasing market could be used cross-chain
The DAPP token leasing market will launch by mid June 2020. A tutorial article will be published in a separate article.
Token Leasing & The DAPP Network
The DAPP network offers a variety of second layer scaling solutions that make building enterprise grade dApps easier. DAPP network Service Providers (DSPs) provide “packages” for developers to utilize tools in the DAPP network. In order to access DSP packages you must stake DAPP tokens. In some cases staking millions of DAPP is required.
As the DAPP network developer community matures, the DAPP token leasing market will play a fundamental role for efficient access to the DAPP network. The DAPP token leasing market removes the burden of DAPP token ownership for developers. Instead, developers can efficiently access the DAPP network product suite by borrowing DAPP tokens at low cost. Furthermore, DAPP holders that do not use their tokens to access DSP packages can generate double rewards by lending to developers and staking to the Chintai DSP simultaneously.
How Does It Work?
The DAPP token leasing market will be a “pool market” that has price fluctuations based on a “bancor style” curve. Lenders deposit DAPP tokens into the leasing pool smart contract and receive “CDAPP” tokens in return. CDAPP tokens can be redeemed for DAPP tokens at any time. In return for CDAPP, lenders will receive the original amount of deposited DAPP tokens, plus the interest that has accrued from borrowing fees.
Developers will borrow from the DAPP token leasing pool as needed. They will be able to select desired packages within the Chintai exchange portal. Each package selection automatically allocates the exact amount of DAPP tokens required. All loans will be 30 days. Interest is paid upfront at market rate. As more DAPP is borrowed the interest rate will naturally increase. The price increase is based on a predetermined algorithmic formula that is designed to maintain ample liquidity in the leasing market at all times.
Chintai DSP & DAPP Network
Chintai has launched a DSP on the DAPP network. We will provide a rewards package that can be accessed by borrowing DAPP on the Chintai platform. Stake to chintaidevop
to earn rewards. The Chintai DSP will distribute 85% of rewards. Lenders who deposit their DAPP tokens in the Chintai DAPP token leasing pool will earn double rewards by simultaneously lending their DAPP and staking to the Chintai DSP.
Chintai — DeFi Multi Exchange
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DAPP 代币租赁市场即将上线
- 预计上线日期: 2020年6月中旬
- “代币资金池市场模式” — 充值 DAPP 代币,获得 CDAPP
- CDAPP 可以随时兑换,取回原先充值至合约中的代币,并获得额外的租借收益
- DAPP 代币租借价格,会根据 Bancor 曲线计算决定
- 抵押 DAPP 代币给 Chintai DSP
并同时出租,可以获得双重收益 - Chintai DAPP租金市场可以跨链使用
DAPP 代币租赁市场将于 2020 年 6 月中旬上线,后续我们会发布单独的教程,详细介绍如何操作。
代币租赁 & DAPP 网络
DAPP 网络 让创建企业级应用 dApp 更为轻松,DAPP 网络提供了一系列的Lay2 扩容方案。 在 DAPP 网络中,DAPP 服务商(DAPP Service Providers (DSPs) )创建了多个服务套餐,提供工具和多种功能,帮助开发者创建应用。想要使用这些功能,需要抵押 DAPP 代币。有时候,对于大型应用而言,可能需要抵押上百万的 DAPP 代币。
伴随 DAPP 网络开发者社区的成熟, DAPP 代币租赁市场会起到至关重要的作用,提升 DAPP 网络的效率。DAPP 代币租赁市场的出现,为开发者减轻了重担,不需要购买 DAPP 代币,即可使用 DAPP 网络。开发者可以通过租赁 DAPP,低成本使用 DAPP 网络。不仅如此,DAPP 持有者可以将闲置的代币抵押给 Chintai DSP 获得双重收益:既能够得到抵押收益,也同时获得了出租 DAPP 代币所得到的收益。
我很好奇,Chintai 是怎么做到的?
DAPP 代币租赁市场采用了资金池方式,基于 Bancor 类型的曲线计算价格。DAPP 代币持有者想要出租,先将 DAPP 代币充值到 Chintai 租赁市场的智能合约之中,然后获得 “CDAPP” 代币作为凭证。CDAPP 代币是锚定了 DAPP 代币的,可以随时兑换为 DAPP 代币。兑换时,除了原先充值的 DAPP 代币数量之外,还会得到累积的出借收益部分。
开发者根据需要,从 DAPP 代币租赁池中租借代币使用。他们可以通过 Chintai 交易所的界面,挑选不同的 DAPP 服务套餐。选择好了 DAPP 服务套餐后,会自动设定好所需的 DAPP 代币数量,租借周期为 30 天。利润会根据市场价提前支付。随着 DAPP 租赁量增长,利润率也会自然上升。
你可能会好奇:价格是如何设定的?在 Chintai DAPP 代币租赁市场中,价格上涨是基于一个预先确定的算法公式,这样做,可以保持租赁市场在任何时候都有充足的流动性。
Chintai DSP & DAPP 网络
Chintai 也加入 DAPP 网络,创建了 DSP。通过 Chintai 平台租赁 DAPP 代币,有资格使用 Chintai 提供的奖励套餐。将 DAPP 代币抵押至 chintaidevop
获得奖励回报。Chintai DSP 会将 85% 的回报发放给 DAPP 代币抵押者。
将 DAPP 代币存入 Chintai DAPP 代币租赁池,将获得双倍回报,因为用户在借出 DAPP 的同时,也为 Chintai DSP 提供了代币抵押。
Chintai — DeFi 综合平台
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